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Tattoo Aftercare (1).png

1. Keep the first applied bandage on for 2 hours, depending on how much the wound is weeping.

2. Carefully remove the bandage and wash the tattoo with a mild soap, preferably fragrance-free. Allow the tattoo to air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.

3. Care for it by gently washing it with unscented antibacterial soap and pat or air dry. After, apply a layer of aftercare moisturizer as needed.

4. DO NOT RUB or PICK the treated area while it is healing. Loss of color and/or infection could occur.

5. Things to avoid while your tattoo is healing:

                           - Stay out of sunlight and tanning booths until tattoo is healed for

                              at least 7-10 days

                           - Do not soak tattoo in tub, sauna, jacuzzi or go swimming while

                              your new tattoo is healing. Showers are fine

                           - Extreme sun and exposure over the years can and will fade your

                              tattoo. This can be minimized by using sunscreen

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